Arboretum Garden covers an area of 2.3 hectares and mainly includes woody plants introduced fromNortheast, South China, Northwest and overseas which can survive the cold winter in the region ofShenyang. At present, over 360 species of woody plants grow in the garden, including staphylea pinnataLonicera caerulea L .var .edulis Regel, magnolia sieboldii and Kolkwitzia amabilis Geaebn, as well asendangered species such as dawn redwood, eucommia ulmoides, taxus cuspidate and neilliauekii nakai.
The garden also displays in a centralized manner species which have successfully experienced practiceresearch, introduction and domestication, such as leptodermis oblonga, flower vine, styrax obassiaSieb. &Zucc, quercus palustris, quercus rubra L. and quercus robur L. The garden is dedicated to
building a centralized exhibition area for display of complete species of plants in Northeast and a mainscientific research and popular science base for students of middles schools, colleges and universitiesand researchers from various research institutions.