Nankai Pailou is the main feature at entrance of garden, it is taken as the subject of the garden, and the central elevation of Boling Building in Nankai University is taken as the source material.
The bronze statue of Mr. Zhang Boling, the establisher of Nankai University, may be seen through the ceremonial gateway. The wall with relief sculpture erected at the waterside is behind the bronze statue, and it emphatically manifests the magnificent achievement of Nankai where two premiers, one vice-premier and 56 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering grow up.
The waterfall is piled on the natural stone and falls into the pool, it brings about the shaking charm of landscape, meanwhile, variation of appreciating in position and in motion is formed together with the wall of relief sculpture. The change of procession and the enclosure of greening are highlighted in plantation design of the garden area, and large-sized evergreen plant is adopted at the rear side for the formation of an excellent background.